by Gabe
My closest friend and the sister I never had, Chris is one of the smartest, goofiest, charismatic, and appropriately dressed individuals that I know. He has a standing account at Tommy Bahama and is prone to adorning penny loafers while sockless. Chris is the only guy I know who buys a new outfit for each excursion (i.e., he purchased an entire fishing ensemble for a day at French Creek in PA). Beyond his unique fashion sense, Chris has a keen eye for finance and is a hot dog aficionado. What I’ve always loved about Chris is that he’s always remained true—no matter how much success he’s achieved or how much he’s traveled. Chris is a genuine individual who wants to make others happy and his generosity has no limits. I’ve known him for over 20 years and even though he lives 3,000 miles away among the orange groves, he’s still the greatest friend I’ve got. And lucky for me I am the Godfather of his young son, Chase. Chris’s status at the wedding is Colonel becomes he’s second in charge after my brother. Give him a salute and talk with him. Ask him to tell you one of the many stories from our youth that led his parents to question “Isaac, what’s wrong with you?”