There really is nothing like letterpress. As I am searching for vendors to print our invitations I just keep realizing how much I love letterpress. Seriously, I would print everything in this style if I could.....it's just so lovely!
For those of you not familiar, here are some samples of this beautiful art form!
Louella Press
Good on Paper
Greenwich Letterpress
Is Letterpress the style of printing, the paper, the look - or all of the above. The websites you noted are all just lovely...particularly the first one. Thanks for sharing...
Dearest Kate and Gabe, I had breakfast with my big sister this morning.Your Mother. I have volunteered my services. We are ALL so excited and happy for you! I am very interested in finding more info. on letterpress. I did our invitations in calligraphy. It set the tone for a beautiful day!
Congratulations! We will look for updates.Thanks for sharing!Hugs from all!
What is letter press?
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