Monday, October 29, 2007


A new feature of the blog, debuting today is "Meet the Wedding Party" -- first up, my lovely little button of a friend and maid of honor:

Jenna D.
(aka The Hammer, Sheila)
The Hammer hands out high fives like it's her job—witness her recent enthusiastic TV appearance on the Food Network. Jenna is a renaissance woman who has traveled the world to learn about gastronomic delights. She went to Greece to make olive oil, upstate NY to grow biodynamic vegetables and make cheese, and she even cultivated a gummy worm farm in Iowa. OK, the last part is false, but the rest is true.

Now she is in PA making the sweet indulgence known as chocolate. On the side she's swinging on a trapeze and learning the violin. Not at the same time of course, but we wouldn't put it passed her. Jenna is the kind of girl who will wear a prom dress to a dive bar and eat her dinner out of coffee cup. You love her the minute you meet her! Just yell out The Hammer or her other nickname, Shelia, and she'll come running to throw you a hug.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Belle Fleur & The Flower Girl

Belle Fleur...This florist is a good find...I got a lovely bouquet from here when we first got engaged and have had it on my mind ever since.....they are a mother-daughter team and put out some beautiful bouquets. I'll be checking them out along with some other NYC florists.... Belle Fleur: These bouquets are especially beautiful!

Another florist I happened upon is in our neighborhood, inside the new Earnest Sewn shop (which sadly overtook the charming museum antique shop on the corner of Orchard and Broome. But does add interest to the growing neighborhood.)

The florist is the "flower girl"-- (I can't find a website and that always annoys me as I like to check out products and get a feeling and price range beforehand) but regardless, she had some interesting arrangements staged while I was there so I'll give her a call and see what comes of it.

Stay tuned for a new feature debuting soon on the blog -- "meet the wedding party" -- it should be a nice (and hopefully entertaining) addition!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

365 Days to go!!!

Exactly one year from today we'll be hearing wedding bells!!!!

woo-hoo! Exciting Stuff!!!

Nothing to much to update on this week....will be checking out some possible Rehearsal Dinner restaurants this weekend....that should be fun!
And deciding on the hotels for wedding party and guests....other than that...same old, same old!
Hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Groom's Attire

As we all know Gabe has his own personal style so I am positive, him and his groomsmen will look amazing on the big day.....but in case he needs some ideas, I'll steer him in this direction:

The idea is simple, you find fabric you like (it seems silk or wool blends would work best) and then send it to this company and they'll produce and send back custom-made cool! Check it out here: Tiecrafters

Friday, October 5, 2007

It's a Good Thing

Well, I am excited to say, after all my babbling about invitations/letterpress, I have gone ahead and signed myself up for a class on how to actually produce letterpress stationary. I can't wait....This great little workshop MAKE gives classes in not only letterpress, but sewing, knitting, block printing...and lots of other fun stuff! It just happens to be in my 'hood too! How fun!

I'll definitely post my finished project! The class is given by the peeps over at Sesame Letterpress in Brooklyn, so I'll be traveling to their studio for a lecture on Oct 23 and then a four hour printing session on Nov 3! Where I'll have 25 notecards to show for my efforts! I am super-excited! (can you tell?)

Got the Fall Martha Stewart mag last week, and have been slowly going through it, loving all the ideas.....(i like to savor all the wonderful inspirations! )

A few of my favorites:
White Bouquets I love the "bohemian chic" one

Yummy Favors I have mine all picked out, although those will be a secret until the big day! And they're not cookies. don't worry, martha will be proud.

Citrus Centerpiece I absolutely LOVE the idea of a citrus centerpiece, although with the colors we choose, it might have to be limes instead of lemons...anyone have a lime tree?

Of note, I think I am becoming martha-obsessed, what do you think? Maybe I should do a poll...I've used her name 3 times already in this post alone....does that mean I'm obsessed? As Martha would say (and my Aunt Connie would agree) "it's a good thing."

Have a great weekend loved ones! xo

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I am slightly obsessed with invitations as you may have guessed....I can't help it....they really help to set the tone of the event. I have been involved with creating many in the past for the events I worked on so I really want to make sure the invites for our wedding are just perfect! I know it's a little early, but I've started our initial design and really love it! It's unique, but to find the perfect printer...this seems to be the hard part! Although I have been in communication with several that are promising and are willing to print outside designs. Save the Dates will be going out shortly...although if you're reading this, you probably already have the date saved it's for everyone else!

Check out the invite suites from CeCi NY a preeminent NY invitation designer.