Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Belle Fleur & The Flower Girl

Belle Fleur...This florist is a good find...I got a lovely bouquet from here when we first got engaged and have had it on my mind ever since.....they are a mother-daughter team and put out some beautiful bouquets. I'll be checking them out along with some other NYC florists.... Belle Fleur: These bouquets are especially beautiful!

Another florist I happened upon is in our neighborhood, inside the new Earnest Sewn shop (which sadly overtook the charming museum antique shop on the corner of Orchard and Broome. But does add interest to the growing neighborhood.)

The florist is the "flower girl"-- (I can't find a website and that always annoys me as I like to check out products and get a feeling and price range beforehand) but regardless, she had some interesting arrangements staged while I was there so I'll give her a call and see what comes of it.

Stay tuned for a new feature debuting soon on the blog -- "meet the wedding party" -- it should be a nice (and hopefully entertaining) addition!


Diane Karchner said...

Stunning bouquets, particularly the different shades of calla lillies!

Anonymous said...

My sister used Belle Fleur for her wedding 3 years ago and was incredibly happy with everything. My vote is for them.
I am engaged myself, but my wedding is in LA they don't design destination weddings.
Good Luck!!

katenyc2008 said...

thanks Sabrina! Love to get tidbits like that!!! Good luck with your wedding planning!!